Vacation rentals include everything from the beach hut to an entire chalet in the mountains. With all of your rental options, you can go anywhere and do practically anything. Before you get really excited about your next vacation and make lodging plans, consider one more, newer option for vacation rentals; the rental on resort property.
The Rental on Resort Property
After the debut of rental properties and phone apps that let you rent any property from anywhere, several resorts on or near theme parks decided to add their own. These rentals are not just cabins or huts; they are a little more like "glamping" houses. Each cabin boasts the camping experience crossed with the luxury you would expect from resorts and theme parks. You should expect the same, considering how close to the luxury resorts and all of the theme park attractions nearby.
Renting One of These Resort Cabins
If you are going to rent one of these resort cabins, you have to make your arrangements at least six months in advance. There are not too many cabins available, and tent camping is not allowed. Additionally, you cannot camp in your RV near these cabins because the resorts have separate lots for tent camping and RV camping. Your travel agent may be able to help, if you work with an agent.
Getting to the Nearby Theme Parks
Staying in resort cabins near theme parks means you have access to the parks. You will still have to buy passes or tickets to enter the parks, but they are there for your entertainment. There are usually various ways to get from your resort cabin rental, but the most common are hiking through the woods to the gate of the nearest park, or taking a water taxi, which is like a boat.
Separate but Special Activities Just for the Resort Cabin Guests
Not surprisingly, many resorts with theme parks that have cabin rentals also have special activities just for the cabin renters. These activities are inaccessible to other park visitors, making it ideal to stay in a rented resort cabin. It also encourages guests who have not stayed in the cabins to come back and try staying near the theme parks in a whole new way. If this sounds fun and exciting to you, call your travel agent to get a quote on what it would cost to rent a resort cabin and play in the parks.
For more information, contact companies like Punta Pelicano.